Review: Finger Lakes Distilling McKenzie Rye and Bourbon Whiskey
Finger Lakes Distilling operates out of, you guessed it, the Finger Lakes region of New York, well known as an up-and-coming wine region but also a hotbed of craft distilleries, too. Finger Lakes makes two young whiskeys which we recently put to the taste test. Both are 91 proof. McKenzie Bourbon Whiskey – Double-pot distilled…
Review: Agave Underground Anejo Tequila
With a coffin-shaped bottle and a stopper that looks like a flaming skull, to say that Agave Underground is going for the punk tequila drinker with this fairly new brand (established 2009) may be stating the obvious. These tequilas — the three typical expressions are made — hail from seven-year-old agave plants in the Jalisco…
Book Review: The Kentucky Mint Julep
The Commonwealth of Kentucky is home to many a splendored thing: actors Clooney, Depp, and Shatner, bluegrass music, horses, Lionel Hampton, Loretta Lynn, and of course bourbon. While these are all claims of which to be Kentucky proud, one of the finer small indulgences signaling spring’s imminent arrival to the Bluegrass is the season’s first…
Review: Belle de Brillet Poire Williams (2013)
I’ve had a mini of Belle de Brillet around for years. So it came as quite a surprise to find out that Kobrand would be “bringing” this brand (which launched in the 1980s) to the U.S. (The bottle I have was imported by Pasternak.) I figured I’d crack it open and give it a spin.…
Review: Maison Leblon Reserva Especial Cachaca
Aged cachaca is a surprisingly rare thing, but mainstream producers are finally getting in on the game. Leblon, which makes the ubiquitous and eponymous silver cachaca, makes this fancy version by taking its pot-distilled cachaca and aging the spirit for up to two years in new Limousin oak casks. Formerly available only in Brazil, it’s…
Book Review: Shake, Stir, Pour
How enticing do all those artisan cocktails you see these days look, with their organic cinnamon-rhubarb puree and house-made schnozzberry syrup? I frequently enjoy these libations, then regret that I’ll never be able to make them the same way at home. Well, with Katie M. Loeb’s Shake, Stir, Pour: Fresh Homegrown Cocktails, now you can.…
Review: Master of Malt Worship Street Whistling Shop Cream Gin
Master of Malt has no shortage of bizarre concoctions, but this one is a new one for me: Gin distilled using cream as a botanical. The result is called, simply, cream gin. Cream gin, we are told by MoM, “was popular in the Gin Palaces of the Victorian Era, however back then the gin would…