Review: Tres Generaciones Anejo Tequila

As promised in February, we finally got our hands on Tres Generaciones’ Anejo tequila, so we could finally round out the line we first examined here. Though it spends six times the amount of time in oak barrels as 3G’s reposado (“at least” 12 months vs. about 2 months), this anejo is barely darker in…

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Review: Absolut Mango Vodka

Now out of vaguely northern European ways to spell the names of fruits, Absolut turns the mango (mangeaux?) for its latest infused vodka. The contents of Absolut Mango should not surprise you in the slightest: Absolut Swedish vodka, infused with natural mango flavor. There are no artificial additions or sugar or anything else in the…

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Tasting Report: Whiskies of the World Expo San Francisco 2009

What I liked about WotW 2009: It was held on a boat and, despite my usual seasickness, I didn’t get ill at all. Lots of great whiskey being poured. Despite the stairs (three levels) and the crowds (big), relatively compact venue was easy to get around in. What I didn’t like: Inexplicable 30 minutes spent…

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Review: 2007 Golan Heights Winery Golan Cabernet Sauvignon

I knew Israel made wine, but like most consumers I’d figured it was that cough syrup called Manischewitz and that was about it. Turns out Manischewitz is made in New York, not Israel. Real Israeli wines are far, far better, but just as kosher. With Passover a week away, interest in kosher wines is at…

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Review: Stevens Point Burly Brown Ale

Craft brewery Stevens Point released its latest addition to its lineup this month, Burly Brown, and American Brown Ale. I’ve tried it a few times and, while it’s a perfectly serviceable brew, “Burly” is a bit of a misnomer. There’s a good slug of hops and a strongly nutty character here, but those looking for…

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Review: Larvets Original Worm Snax

I’m only including Larvets here as a “bar food” because of the possibility they will come up as a bar bet: Will you eat something that lists “larva” as its first ingredient? Rest assured, these mealworms are long-dead, dried, and utterly flavorless. Even the addition of cheddar cheese flavoring (there are also BBQ and Mexican…

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Review: XyliMelts

What’s the worst part of a hangover? The headache? The upset stomach? The hatred toward your fellow man? For some, it’s the dry mouth: No matter how much water you drink, that cottonmouth comes back in minutes, keeping you awake all night and aware of all the other symptoms. Enter XyliMelts, a bizarre solution but…

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Tasting Report: Toast of the Town, March 2009

Heading into the Civic Center area of San Francisco rarely means a fun night on the town drinking lots of great wine, but that’s exactly what I had the great pleasure to do this Thursday, courtesy of an invitation from Wine Enthusiast magazine, which put on a fantastic, must-attend event. Held in the classy War…

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